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Know the Rules for Doing Safe Eyebrows

Eyebrow shape that matches the shape of the face can indeed make the face look different. Not surprisingly, many women now choose to do eyebrow embroidery to get the desired brow shape. The decision to do eyebrow embroidery to get beautiful eyebrows is in your hands. However, before doing this, it's good to first consider the possible risks after embroidered eyebrows.

Be aware of the risk of infection

In the technique that is not done by professionals or tools that are not properly sterilized, for example, the possibility of bacterial infection with Staphylococcus, Streptococcus or even transmission of herpes infections can occur. Infection can also arise due to irritation or allergic reactions from the pigments used when brow embroidery. The use of pigments that are later applied to the area of ​​the eyebrows to be embroidered must also be considered. Before you do the eyebrow embroidery, you are advised to do an allergy test for the pigment that will be used, in the form of a patch test, to prevent unwanted allergic reactions. In addition, it is important to make sure the people who work on your eyebrow embroidery are professionals who have certificates and use tools that have been sterilized properly, so that the results of eyebrow embroidery are as desired and safe for health. In women who are pregnant, sufferers of keloids, have done organ transplants, or have a condition of immune system that is weak (immunocompromised) should avoid eyebrow embroidery. Similarly, for sufferers of skin disorders such as eczema and rosacea, it is advisable to avoid eyebrows for health reasons.

Eyebrow Embroidery Techniques and Treatment Methods

The technique of doing eyebrow embroidery is done by making small incisions or scratches around the eyebrows which are then implanted pigments. Planting pigments that aim to shape eyebrow hair like these original eyebrows, usually leave pain when the eyebrow embroidery process is carried out. After the stitching is complete, the pain may gradually decrease and it may only feel like it's stinging around the embroidered eyebrows. In order to keep the eyebrow results as desired and avoid infection, the following things must be done:
  • Keep the area around the eyebrows dry at least until 10 days after the eyebrow embroidery is done. It is also recommended to keep the face dry when bathing.
  • Avoid using makeup for at least a week.
  • Don't slough off the scab or scratch the area around the eyebrows even though it feels itchy.
  • Pigtail your hair so that the hair does not touch the eyebrow area that has just been embroidered
  • Avoid swimming, saunas or doing activities that cause excessive sweat production until the eyebrow embroidery area is completely healed.
  • Limit exposure to direct sunlight on the area of ​​the embroidered eyebrows, to avoid the formation of dark spots or hyperpigmentation in the area around the eyebrows.
  • Routinely applying cream or medicine that has been given in accordance with instructions according to instructions.
If after doing eyebrow embroidery the area around the swelling, experiencing scabiness after two weeks, feels continuous pain or discharge like pus, immediately see a doctor. You may have an infection and need treatment to deal with the infection. Eyebrow embroidery, aesthetically it can support appearance, but still pay attention to safety factors for health reasons. If you have a special health condition, you should consult with a doctor before doing eyebrow embroidery.


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