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How to remove hair on the face that is safe and effective

Hair on the face, especially those that look thick often undermine confidence. Fortunately there are several ways to remove facial hair from which you can choose. Know the procedures and the risks of each. Hair on the face is generally a natural condition that exists in everyone. It's just that in some people, facial hair grows thicker and more noticeable, so that interfere with appearance. There are several procedures that can be tried to remove facial hair. Here are some procedures to remove facial hair:
  • Waxing

  • According to a dermatologist, waxing is a way to remove hair on the face that lifts hair up to the roots, making the skin soft and completely free of hair. However, waxing can cause skin irritation, pain, and the risk of the skin becoming darker. Another negative side, a person must wait until the hair grows long enough, a minimum of 2-3 weeks until the next waxing session. It is recommended to stop taking drugs such as retinol, retinoids, and alpha-hydroxy acid three days before waxing. Avoid waxing during pregnancy, because at this time women are more sensitive to pain. Also avoid procedures on how to remove facial hair when taking isotretinoin to treat acne. Waxing also can not be done on skin that is irritated or exposed to sunburn. You can take painkillers for at least 30 minutes before waxing to reduce pain that may be felt. After waxing, you can apply cortisone or aloe vera cream to soothe skin that may turn red. Also apply sunscreen before leaving the room after waxing. Generally, waxing is done every 2-6 weeks. The best time for waxing is two weeks after menstruation. At this time, the body is not so sensitive to pain. But to reduce pain, it is still necessary to use pain relievers. Avoid consuming foods and drinks that can make waxing even more painful such as caffeine and alcoholic drinks.
  • Depilatory

  • Depilatory can be in the form of lotions, creams, and gels that contain chemicals that can shed hair on the face. This process does not require expensive, fast, and painless. However, this product has the potential to cause irritation and odor. If left too long on the face, depression can cause blisters, stinging, and rashes. Choose a depilatorie that contains moisturizer (aloe), aloe vera, or vitamin E. After using depilatories, apply sunscreen with SPF 30 before leaving the room. To prevent irritation, avoid applying it to the area that has been shaved or around the eyes. You can also try it first by rubbing it on the inner arm and see the reaction after two days. Go to a doctor before using depilatories to avoid risks such as contact dermatitis. Some of the ingredients in this product, such as retinol, can make the skin become too sensitive.
  • Laser

  • The laser targets the pigment in the hair follicles, causing facial hair to fall out 10-14 days later. How to remove facial hair with a laser generally requires several phases, because in one shot the laser will only target active hair, which is about 25% of the whole. In addition, the follicle will grow back if not treated thoroughly. This is why this procedure needs to be done twice a year. But besides being expensive, how to remove facial hair with a laser is not very effective for women with dark skin color.
Other procedures, such as shaving the hair on the face, are not recommended because it will only cut the hair out of the roots. In the end, the rest of the remaining feathers will make the skin feel rough. In general, choose a certified beauty clinic that is clean and safe to undergo how to remove hair on the face above. Make sure you know the risks that might occur. And check with your doctor if after laser or waxing you experience swollen, bruised, burning, and blistered skin.


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