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This is how to treat dry, oily and sensitive skin

The look of a healthy and charming face becomes everyone's dream. It's just that some skin types, need to care for facial skin more carefully. Includes types of oily, dry and sensitive skin. How to treat facial skin for these three types of skin can be done using beauty products according to skin type, as well as other supporting treatments.

Caring for Your Face According to Skin Type

Here's how to treat facial skin and choose products that are suitable for your skin type:
  • Dry skin

  • Dry skin is characterized by skin that feels rough when touched and looks scaly. Use skin care products intended for dry skin, which are giving extra moisture, especially for facial skin. Starting from soap, to moisturizer. Then use sunscreen before doing outdoor activities every day, to prevent the effects of UV rays that can make the skin lose moisture. Also avoid too often in an air-conditioned room, because it actually makes the skin more dry. For dry facial skin, choose a facial moisturizer or moisturizer that contains ingredients such as alkyl-polyglycosides, lanolin, paraffin, polyethylene glycol, and silicone surfactants. To restore skin moisture, choose a moisturizer that contains petroleum jelly to hydrate facial skin. Petroleum jelly is able to hold water on the surface of the skin and protect skin from cracking and dryness. The trick, apply a little facial moisturizer on one finger. Then rub evenly on the dry face. In addition, how to treat dry facial skin is to avoid bathing with warm water. Warm water can eliminate oil production on the face. Reduce bath time to only 5-10 minutes with a frequency of bathing that is not too often.
  • Oily skin

  • Generally oily skin has larger pores and looks shiny. Facial cleansing products that contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can help overcome the type of oily facial skin, and acne prone skin. The content of salicylic acid is useful in removing dead skin cells. While the content of benzoyl peroxide helps in shrinking enlarged pores and prevents zits. Caring for oily and acne prone skin can be done by using oil-free and non-comedogenic oily products, so that oil production on facial skin is not excessive, and does not clog pores. Keep using moisturizer, this is beneficial so that the skin remains moist so it does not produce excess oil. Blotting face paper can be used to absorb oil production on the facial skin during activities. Then maintain a healthy diet. Avoid foods that contain lots of oil, fat and increase insulin hormones such as milk and chocolate. Also reduce consumption of foods with high glycemic index that can increase blood sugar quickly, such as sugar, cakes, ice cream, biscuits, and canned drinks.
  • Sensitive skin

  • Sensitive skin can feel itchy or experience painful sensations such as being stung. In treating sensitive skin, first try to find out what substances that cause interference with the skin, so it can be avoided. How to treat facial skin, among others, using facial cleansing types of milk or cream with a texture like milk. This type of cleanser consists of a little water and a lot of nutritional content that is useful for dealing with chapped skin. After using cleaning products, then rinse with warm water. Then dry it with patting. As much as possible use a product that is minimal in chemicals, or has a mild formulation. Avoid the acid, fragrance, and alcohol content that is often found in facial skin care products. Better to choose products with natural ingredients such as aloe, chamomile or green tea. Also limit the use of facial products that act as exfoliators (exfoliants) because they might cause irritation. Do not forget the protection of the skin against exposure to ultraviolet (UV) by using sunscreen. In addition, treating facial skin can also be done by controlling stress and stopping smoking, which can cause wrinkles and dull faces. Maintain a balanced nutritional intake, increase the consumption of water, regular exercise and enough rest.
Do not be easily carried away by the benefits of the product raised by the ad. Apply how to treat facial skin according to your skin. Choose the right product for facial skin to look healthy and charming. If necessary, consult with your doctor to determine the optimal facial treatment.


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